AN organisation dedicated to supporting blind or visually impaired people has received a £20,000 grant.

Blind Life in Durham (Blind) was founded in 2004 by Jim Welch, 57, who lost his sight five years ago, and his wife, Margaret, 55, from Crook.

The group relies largely upon grants and donations to fund its work.

The organisation meets on a regular basis and aims to support and improve the quality of life of blind or visually-impaired people.

It also aims to nurture friendships between people across the county, by organising trips and activities.

Last week, the organisation received confirmation that its grant application to the Lloyds TSB foundation for England and Wales had been accepted.

The funding will be used to pay for a part-time administration worker, stationery costs, computer support, volunteer wages and transport and trip costs.

Mr Welch and his wife set up Blind after he began to feel isolated, lost and dependent on others when he lost his sight. A former heavy goods vehicle fitter, he went to London's Moorfields Eye Hospital for an exploratory operation in 2002, but was told the damage done to his retinas by an earlier stroke was irreparable.

He was devastated at first, but as his confidence gradually grew, he decided he wanted to help others in the same position as him.

Since then, Blind has won several awards from organisations including the 2D volunteer network and Durham County Council.

The Lloyds TSB foundation, which awarded the funds, is an independent grant-making group, whose income is derived from shareholders.

A spokesperson from Lloyds TSB said: "Our mission is to support and work in partnership with charitable organisations which help people, especially those who are disadvantaged or disabled, to play a fuller role in communities."

Mr Welch said: "It is such a great feeling knowing we have secured these funds.

"Our group is now firmly secure and we can look towards the future and continue our work with helping to give blind or visually-impaired people their independence back.

"We are extremely grateful to Lloyds TSB for giving us this grant."

For more information about the group, visit the website