A SERIES of drop-in sessions are to be held for people living in an area where a £2.7m water mains restoration project is under way.

Contractors have arrived in Eastfield, Scarborough, to replace or restore 43kms of piping beneath the streets of the housing estate, built after the war to ease the housing shortage.

Some of the underground infrastructure was laid before land boundaries were properly recorded and, as a result, some mains run beneath private gardens.

The sessions have been arranged by Yorkshire Water to give people an opportunity to find out more about the work or to discuss any concerns they may have. The firm also has people calling door-to-door to explain what is being done and why.

"We don't want to be in a position where the first people know about the project is when we're knocking on the door to say we're going to start digging up their garden," said project manager Dean Williamson.

The sessions at the Eastfield Community Centre on High Street will be held between 9am and noon on August 29, September 5, September 12, September 19 and September 26.

* Employees of Yorkshire Water and contractors Laing O'Rourke carry identity cards which can be checked by telephoning 0845-1242424.