PEOPLE are being given invited to help spread the message of how to stay warm while save energy in the home.

Easington District Council is holding a series of half-day events next month and in October, in towns and villages across the area. The workshops will show those living in east Durham how to make their homes warmer, save money on fuel bills and claim free insulation grants.

They are aimed at people who work or volunteer in the community and who are willing to spread the word around their neighbours.

Jason Martin, Easington's fuel poverty officer, said: "This is an exciting opportunity to be part of an active network that can really make a difference to people's well-being.

"We know that there are many householders out there who are still living in poorly insulated and heated homes when there are many schemes available to help them.''

He added: "These events are open to anyone and we are looking for 15 to 20 keen residents from each village who are willing to take the message on how to keep homes warm and more energy efficient back to their neighbours, and encourage them to take up the free insulation measures that are available.

The first event will take place at the Glebe Centre, in Murton, on Wednesday, September 19 from 9.30am to 12.30pm.

To attend, telephone Mr Martin on 0191-527-0501.