A NORTH MEP has signed up for a car share scheme.

Fiona Hall, Liberal Democrat MEP for the North-East, joined the Option C Car Club, which provides pay-as-you-drive cars.

The not-for-profit club, based in Durham City, has two cars and more 15 members, who can book a car for as little as 30 minutes.

Durham City Council has set aside parking spaces for the scheme at Byland Lodge, in Hawthorn Terrace, and the Sands.

Ms Hall said: "The car club is a great scheme for me.

"I travel to my constituency office in Durham by train most days but, occasionally, I need my car to get to appointments.

"By using an Option C car for these journeys, I can now get the train every day."

Paul Balmont, the club founder, said: "It's great to welcome Fiona Hall as a supporter and member.

"Car club members typically see the miles they use a car for fall by 25 per cent and their trips made by walking, cycling and public transport increase by 40 per cent."

There are plans to expand the Option C Car Club across Durham.

For more information go to www. optionc.co.uk