AN appeal has been launched for the people of the region to take an amble for the air ambulance.

Whether you prefer to hike, stroll or just toddle, the Great North Air Ambulance wants volunteers to organise a sponsored walk in aid of the The Walk on Air appeal.

Mandy Drake, fundraising manager, said the walks could be as long or short as people wanted, the most important thing was to raise as much money as possible.

She added: "We need to keep the air ambulance in the air. It takes £3.5m each year and we get no lottery or Government funding so we need the people to continue their fundraising efforts.

"This will be a fun event, and we want to make sure as many people get involved as possible."

Schools, clubs and organisations around the region are encouraged to join in the event.

The Walking on Air appeal will begin on Sunday, October 7 at the beginning of Great North Air Ambulance awareness week.

As well as the sponsored walks, there will be a childrens fun day and a balloon launch in Darlington market place.

To register an event, call 01325-487262. Along with a sponsor form, registered fundraisers will receive a t-shirt and balloon.