A CAMPAIGN against cancer visited a former pit village at the weekend.

County Durham and Darlington Primary Care Trust's (PCT) Talking about Cancer campaign bus visited the medical centre at Wingate, County Durham, and is touring the Easington district this month and next.

The Wingate event focused on bowel cancer - the symptoms of the disease and what people can do to reduce the risk of developing it.

Sharon Smith, health development specialist for cancer prevention with the PCT, said: "Every day, 45 people in the UK die from bowel cancer. In Easington, 84 people died from the disease between 2002 and 2004.

"By making small lifestyle changes, people can significantly help to lower their risk of developing cancer.

"A new bowel cancer screening programme, which has recently been launched, will be rolled out across England over the next three years.

"This national programme will test all 60 to 69-year-olds who are registered with a GP and will be repeated every two years.

"The benefit of completing bowel cancer screening test kits was highlighted to people who attended the Wingate event.

"It is important that people do the test and return it because, if bowel cancer is caught early, eight out of ten cases can be successfully treated."

Ms Smith added: "We hope by touring with the bus, we can reach as many people as possible. Other dates will be issued, giving information, not only on bowel cancer, but skin, breast and lung cancers and, by getting our message across, we can, hopefully, look forward to seeing a healthier future."