VISITORS to a summer carnival at the weekend will be able to take part in an ancient dance form.

The Rossmere Park Summer Carnival, Hartlepool, is on Saturday, from noon until 4pm.

The event will include fairground rides, inflatables, Punch and Judy, magic shows, face-painting, a tombola, a football tournament and tai chi and karate displays.

There will also be stalls and information stands manned by Housing Hartlepool, Manor Residents' Association and other community groups,

Pride in Hartlepool, Operation Clean Sweep and Hartlepool Borough Council's countryside wardens will be making bat and bird boxes.

The fire brigade and police are expected to have some of their vehicles on display.

Entry is free, and there is only a small charge for the fairground rides, refreshments and snacks.

An added attraction this year will be Egyptian belly-dancing expert Vanessa Gooding, who has been performing for several years and draws her inspiration from film footage of the Egyptian belly-dancing stars of the Forties and Fifties.

She will be performing at 1.30pm, after which she will run a workshop for any women wanting to try it for themselves.

"It's an art form which is thousands of years old," said the 31-year-old, who lives in Hartlepool and teaches at classes around the town.

"Belly dancing is all about expressing the beautiful music through your body, and when you are performing, you journey through a wide range of different emotions.

"It's excellent exercise, gives you a real sense of joy and empowerment and is great for increasing self-confidence."