ONE of the region's oldest women celebrated her 105th birthday in style yesterday with a surprise drive-out in a Rolls Royce.

Minna Stephenson has become a hugely popular character at Wellburn House Care Home, in Stockton, where she has lived for the past nine years.

Her love of entertainment and daily exercises has impressed the residents and staff at the home, who are fascinated by her amazing health.

But it is more her captivating memories from her 105 years that delight friends, residents, staff and family.

She talks vividly of historic events that most people have only ever read about in books or learnt in a history lesson.

Minna lived through two world wars and recalls the public reaction to such famous moments in history as the sinking of the Titanic. And the greatest change in history in her opinion - the easiness of washing clothes.

Residents, family and staff gathered at the home yesterday to celebrate Minna's big day.

After the champagne corks popped, Minna was led outside to where a 1936 Rolls Royce was waiting to take her for a spin.

Explaining her secret to a long and happy life, she said: "I think you must be active. I have always drank water and I have never smoked and didn't drink. I remember all the things I have seen."

Speaking about the Titanic disaster, in 1912, Minna said: "I remember that very well. I was at school that day - it was very sad."

Her son, Trevor, 74, said: "When we went to see the film Titanic we told her about it and she remembered it.

"She said the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, was akin to the Titanic disaster, the way everyone talked about it and left the same impression on people."

Although she has seen many changes during her life, Minna said: "Washing in the early days was hard. The men worked hard and clothes had to be scrubbed. Now you just pop it into a machine. I think that is the very best thing that has happened.

"Children have changed. You never used to hear boys talk like they do now."

Eunice O'Connor, activities organiser at Wellburn House, said: "I am absolutely in awe of her - she is a wonderful lady."

Minna was born in Middleton One Row, near Darlington, on August 19, 1902, when Edward VII had not long taken the throne.

She attended Corporation Road School, in Darlington, until the age of 14, when she began working at an exclusive shoe shop, serving the most elite of customers.

In 1928, she married her husband, John - a descendant of railway pioneer George Stephenson. The couple moved to Stockton when her husband secured a job at ICI, on Teesside.