A POPULAR charity shop has celebrated its tenth birthday.

Bishop Auckland's Help the Aged shop, in Newgate Street, celebrated the milestone with a party and raffle.

The shop opened its doors on August 16, 1997, and several dedicated staff have worked there since the start.

Manager Jennifer Salt said: "I have worked here since the shop first opened and was a deputy manager for two years before becoming manager.

"It is a great feeling to celebrate ten years of business and, hopefully, we will have another ten years here.

"It has been hard work, but I have really enjoyed it and the amount of customers has increased over the years."

Volunteer Cecilia Mathews has worked at the shop for eight years.

She said: "I love working here and you make many friends with regular customers and the staff.

"Help the Aged is an excellent charity and I am pleased to have been part of it for eight years."