VEGETABLE lovers from across the county flocked to Frosterley at the weekend for an annual produce contest.

Frosterley Inn Onion Club hosted its third vegetable contest on Saturday afternoon, which attracted more than 50 vegetable growers from across the region.

A total of £2,000 in prize money was given out to winners, which had been raised from fundraising activities at the club.

Paul Jewitt, chairman of the club, said: "We all had a brilliant day and many worthy winners went home with great prizes.

"We are re-naming ourselves The Weardale Onion Club next year, in a bid to expand our membership numbers."

All contestants enjoyed a night of entertainment at the inn after the competition and all winning produce was auctioned yesterday afternoon.

Winners at the contest included: Billy Lowes, from Bishop Auckland, who won heaviest onion; Ronnie Gill, from Seaham, who won intermediate leek and Gordon Dowson, from Bishop Auckland, who won heaviest marrow.

Robert Greasely, from Wolsingham, won heaviest carrot, longest runner bean, longest chilli, heaviest parsnip and dressed onion,

Bobby Hall, from Stanhope, won heaviest Weardale onion and Jim Howard, from Bishop Auckland, won the chrysanthemum prize. For more details, call Mr Jewitt on 01388-528606.