YOUNGSTERS from Chernobyl were given free vision checks during a trip to a seaside town.

Twenty youngsters from Belarus enjoyed fun and games at the Specsavers shop, in Redcar, where they took advantage of free eye tests.

The visit, which takes place twice a year, is arranged through the Chernobyl Lifeline Charity.

Staff at the shop carried out full eye examinations on the youngsters, aged between ten and 14, and provided free prescription glasses where necessary.

The children were also treated in-store with games, food, drink and goody bags.

Store director Julie Breen said: "Once again, we've had a memorable day with the children. They have suffered a great deal and many still live in areas contaminated by radiation.

"Visiting the UK not only gives them a chance to see different parts of the world, but provides a great opportunity for the youngsters to take advantage of our expertise and to have their health checked and their eyes tested.

"With the help of the Chernobyl Lifeline Charity, hopefully we can all make a small difference to their quality of life. In the UK, we often take our eye tests and health for granted. As optometrists, we feel it is our social responsibility to provide this service to everyone that we can.

"Staff in the store are in full support of the help we can offer these children and we look forward to continuing our work with the charity in the coming years."