HALF a million pounds is needed to transform a derelict farmhouse into an animal refuge after a charity won approval to build a major rescue centre in the North-East.

Planning permission was this month granted to the Saltburn Animal Rescue Association (Sara) to convert the disused farmhouse off Kirkleatham Lane, Redcar, east Cleveland, into a sanctuary.

But despite managing to raise the £420,000 needed to purchase the building, the charity needs a further £500,000 to make the sanctuary a reality.

After eight years, the charity managed to raise enough money to buy the 420-acre site from Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council.

But volunteers last night urged the public to dig deep to help raise the £500,000 needed to complete the project.

The overall project is expected to take up to ten years but volunteers hope the first phase will be completed by next year.

When completed, it is hoped the centre will include kennels for 40 dogs, plus facilities for cats, rabbits, guinea pigs and ponies.

Anne Prosser, chairman of the group, said: "We are absolutely elated - over the moon.

"We have got a huge job first. We need to secure the building and make it safe and some of the buildings will be demolished.

"We will have to just do it all in stages.

"We have launched a £1 appeal - if everyone gives £1 - even if it was just people in Redcar - then we will be on the way.

"It has been a huge project but the public have got us this far and we believe they will get us to the end result - this is the future. This is the only sanctuary in the area and this is why we have done it."

To help the appeal, call the helpline (Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 1.30pm) on 01287-201005 or visit www. s-a-r-a. org. uk, or write to Sara, PO Box No.69, Brotton, Saltburn, TS12 2GN.