RESIDENTS are being urged to help police in the hunt for a shaven-headed man who carried out an early hours sex attack on a teenage girl.

The 19-year-old victim was attacked at 4.30am on Saturday August 4 in the West Lane area of Chester-le-Street, County Durham.

As she walked down Pentland Court, by a block of flats adjacent to the railway line, she was stopped by a man aged around 40.

The man, who was 6ft and had short or shaved hair, pulled out a knife and subjected the teenager to a serious sexual assault, leaving her uninjured but badly shaken and distressed.

He was stocky with a round face, had stubble on his chin and wore a long-sleeved dress shirt.

The victim has been able to help police compile an 'e-fit' picture of the man, and his image has been included on posters which were distributed around Chester-le-Street over the weekend.

The posters ask anyone who recognises the man or has any information about the attack to ring the police or Crimestoppers.

"This man subjected his victim to a terrifying ordeal at knifepoint and it is vital we hear from anyone who knows his identity. We believe he has a connection to the area and may use this particular route on a regular basis," said Detective Inspector Eric Malkin.

Anyone with information should call Chester-le-Street CID on 0191-375 2357, the non-emergency number for Durham Constabulary, 0845 6060 365, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.