A JUDGE has moved to try to bring to a halt a simmering feud which erupted into violence in the early hours of New Years Day.

Ill-feeling between neighbours in Middlesbrough came to a head when Dawn Carroll and Colin Williams returned home after a night out.

The couple's neighbours Lorraine Jackson and Anthony Nicholson hurled foul-mouthed abuse at them within seconds of them arriving.

Jackson and Nicholson - goaded by their friend John White - also stormed into their neighbours' home to continue the absue.

Mr Williams was pushed to the ground by Nicholson, who then stole a £60 coat from the house while Jackson screamed threats to the couple.

The incident was captured on a video camera Miss Carroll, 39, and her pipe-fitter partner had erected in their property in West Lane.

Judge Peter Armstrong was yesterday shown footage of the 2.30am row, and described as "disgraceful" the actions of Jackson, Nicholson and White.

All three of them admitted affray, and Nicholson, who now lives in Ashbrooke Way, Middlesbrough, also admitted burglary.

The 50-year-old was given a six-month prison sentence suspended for two years, with two years of probation service supervision.

Jackson, 40, who still lives next door to the couple, was also ordered to undergo 12 months of supervision.

Judge Armstrong also imposed a prohibited activity requirement, banning both of them from entering Miss Carroll and Mr Williams' property.

White, 45, was given 12 months of supervision and also ordered to have employment and education training to boost his job prospects.

Judge Armstrong told them: "Whether there is a background of trouble between you and who is to blame, it matters not.

"You must not - and you have to realise that you must not - behave in the way that you did this night. There is no justification for it.

"People are entitled to go into their houses and stay there peacefully without trouble from neighbours."

In the video footage, Nicholson was heard screaming: "I'm going to kill you - I'll really smash you up and do ten years for you."

Jackson, who was dressed in her pyjames, vaulted a garden wall and lunged at the Miss Carroll as White shouted: "Kill her, kill her."

David Lamb, mitigating, said Nicholson had since moved away, while White's barrister, Mike Bosomworth said he had also left the area, having lived at the time in a caravan in West Lane.

Colin Harvey, for Jackson, said she was upset because she had been woken up when her neighbours returned, but said there had been no trouble in the last eight months.