SIX close friends of tragic teenager Kelsey Jade Winter were given counselling yesterday to help them get over the shock of her death.

The session was arranged by Paul Harrison, headteacher at Teesdale Comprehensive School, in Barnard Castle, County Durham, where 13-year-old Kelsey Jade was a pupil.

A teacher from the school and a member of the Durham County counselling service spent time with the six in a room at the town's YMCA centre, where the teenager was a regular attender.

Mr Harrison said: "Although the school is not open at the moment, I felt it right to offer help to some of Kelsey Jade's friends, who are obviously distressed by the tragedy.

"I am shocked and saddened by her death, as are all the staff and pupils, but her close friends are particularly affected and, hopefully, the counselling will assist them."

Kelsey Jade, a keen gymnast, was found hanged in a bedroom at her home in Marwood Drive, Barnard Castle, on Sunday.

Mr Harrison added: "This has come as a dreadful shock to everyone at the school. We offer our deepest sympathy to her family at this appalling time.

"She was a very friendly and hard-working girl. During the past year, she received a number of awards for her efforts. We had no indication that anything was wrong - there was no sign of depression or anything like that."

He was at the school to deal with A-level results and talk to A- level students, but said that younger pupils also turned up to talk about Kelsey Jade.

One teacher said: "Everyone is utterly devastated. Words cannot describe how much sympathy we have for the poor girl's parents and other relatives."

The funeral will be held at St Mary's Parish Church in the town on Tuesday, at 1.45pm. Donations in lieu of flowers will be accepted for the Great North Air Ambulance Service and the Teesdale Gym Club, where Kelsey Jade was a member. Prayers will be said for her at a special assembly in the school when the new terms begins.

Her mother, Carolann, and stepfather, John, have received dozens of messages of sympathy at their home.