A STORM of protest is gathering over plans to demolish an old cottage.

Residents in Hart Village, just north of Hartlepool, are mounting their objections for a second time to proposals to demolish White Cottage, in Front Street, to make way for a new house.

A number of people have contacted Hartlepool Borough Council to oppose the plans on the grounds that White Cottage is significant to the Saxon village, and that a new building would be out of keeping.

Sheila Bruce, secretary of Hartlepool Civic Society, said this was the second time plans had been submitted to pull down White Cottage.

"This proposal has already been withdrawn due to the amount of opposition to it. Do they think we have all gone on holiday?" she said.

"It is imperative that Hart Village is declared a conservation area as soon as possible."

John Fraser, of Mill View, Hart, said the property dated back to about 1780, and should therefore be retained, but he said there were also serious access issues with the new plans.

"As one of the oldest buildings in Hart, and occupying a key site in the centre of the village, demolition of this tiny cottage and replacing it with what can only be described as an enormous golf course house, is totally unacceptable," he said.

He called on the council to use enforcement powers to help restore the historic house, which has been covered in stone cladding and had mature trees removed in recent months.

He said although the plans suggested the proposed property would be a two-bedroomed detached house with detached garage, the size of the building and the number of rooms it contained, suggested much more.

The original plans were withdrawn by applicant Deborah Anderson in October, last year, to enable a bat survey to be carried out. The survey earlier this year threw up no problems, so the application has now been re-submitted.

Miss Anderson's agent, Derek Stephens, was not available for comment.

The council said no date had yet been fixed for the application to be heard.