AN appeal has been put out to find a band who can play in a North-East park over the bank holiday weekend.

A band booked to play in Darlington's South Park has had to cancel and the organisers of Bands in the Park have so far been unsuccessful in getting a replacement.

Kirstin Unwin, park education and events officer, is appealing for a traditional or jazz-type band to play in the recently refurbished bandstand.

Ms Unwin: "Since the complete refurbishment of the park last year, the re-introduction of the Sunday afternoon bands has become a hugely popular feature during the summer months.

"It is such a shame the band we booked back at the start of the year is unable to fulfil its commitment, but it means we can give another band this great chance."

If you have a band that could hit the right note, and would like the chance to perform in South Park on Sunday, August 26, please ring Ms Unwin on 01325 383099 or 0798-352-2770.