RECREATION facilities for young people in Hartlepool are coming under the microscope in an inquiry.

They will be examined by Hartlepool Borough Council's children's services scrutiny forum over the next seven months.

This follows concerns raised among some councillors that a number of young people have difficulty using the recreation facilities because of cost, location or transport problems.

A meeting to discuss the situation will be held on Monday, in West View Community Centre, Miers Avenue, at 4.30pm. All are welcome.

Councillor Jane Shaw, chairwoman of the forum, said: "We have quite a lot of facilities for young people and we want to remove any barriers that may deter our youngsters from using them. We also want to make sure that the facilities that are available are what young people want.

"We will be speaking to as many young people's organisations in the town as possible, ranging from the Scouts and cadets to the Hartlepool Young Voices group. Their views are vital."

The findings are expected to be published in March next year.

More details from www.hartle or Joan Wilkins, on 01429-523339.