TWO Londoners who moved north to enjoy their golden years away from the hustle and bustle of the capital have just celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.

Ron and Brenda Foster, of Greenhills, in Byers Green, celebrated 50 years of married life with a party at Bishop Auckland Golf Club last Friday.

Mr and Mrs Foster both originate from Hackney and met at The Rink cinema, in Finsbury Park, London.

After they married, they lived in Kent and Middlesex where they raised sons, Ian and Neil, and daughter, Denise.

Throughout the Seventies, the couple were regular visitors to County Durham where Mrs Foster had family, and they enjoyed a friendlier, more peaceful lifestyle than the one they had in the South.

In 1989, they left London and moved to Bishop Auckland - soon followed by their daughter's family and Mr Foster's elderly parents - before settling in Byers Green.

They have seven grandchildren.

Before retiring, Mr Foster worked as a manager for Avery Scales and Mrs Foster worked in the refrigeration industry in London, then for a transport company after her move north.

Mr Foster said: "Since moving here and retiring, we have more time to enjoy things together. We love driving around the countryside, going for a meal - it is all so lovely around here.

"But it is important to have separate interests as well."

Together they helped run Byers Green Village Hall for two-and-a-half years and Mr Foster enjoys golf and bowls, while his wife takes part in village hall activities.