COMMUNITY groups yesterday hung out their 'laundry' in an unusual scheme aiming to recruiting foster carers for teenagers.

Earlier this year, local organisations were invited to take part in The Big Link, an arts project calling on volunteers to create large recruitment banners using bed sheets as their canvases.

The aim of the project was to secure much-needed foster homes for teenagers in the Easington district.

The scheme was the idea of Durham Fostering Partnership, a joint initiative by Durham County Council's fostering Service and not-for-profit agency Team Fostering.

The idea was taken up with enthusiasm and, yesterday, the promotional sheets, created by 13 groups, were displayed on a bigwashing line in the grounds of Shotton Hall, Peterlee.

In standard washing day tradition, arrangements had been made to bring the washing in if the weather turned wet but, fortunately, the rain held off.

Yesterday's event was organised to help exhibit the fruits of entrants' artistry and to thank all who had taken part in the inventive project.

Local youth and crafts clubs, Brownies, Guides and community organisations had created imaginative and decorative sheets, which all carried the message that foster carers are needed in the area.

"We are absolutely delighted that so many groups have made an effort and have come up with some fantastic ideas, which look stunning," said Walter Young, of Team Fostering.

"We hope they will also serve to alert people to the fact that we really need to recruit foster carers for teenagers in the Easington area."

Those who took part in the project included: the Phoenix Fun Club, at Easington Colliery Primary School, Horden Youth and Community Centre, Wingate Women's Institute, Wingate Library Craft Club, Dawdon Community Centre, Peterlee Christian Mission, Wingate Brownies and Guides, Durham Deafened Support, Eastlee Community Association, Parkside and District Community Centre, Team Fostering and Durham County Council's fostering service.

For more information about fostering, call Durham County Council fostering service, on 0191-370-6149 or Team Fostering, on 0191-262-8855.