A MULTI-million pound flood defence scheme has been praised for the way it protected villagers' homes during the recent wet weather.

The River Gaunless flood alleviation scheme at Spring Gardens, near West Auckland, was built by the Environment Agency to protect more than 650 homes and businesses.

Unveiled in 2005, the 15-metre high dam was designed to protect South Church and West Auckland, which were devastated by flooding in 2000.

At a meeting of West Auckland Parish Council this week, the 10m scheme was credited with ensuring that villagers were not badly affected by recent downpours which have hit other areas of the country.

Parish council chairman Hazel Charlton said: "I think it's brilliant - it has been money well spent."

Paul Constantine, from the Environment Agency, attended the meeting to update members and the public about their work in the village.

He said: "I was here in 2000 and I saw the devastation, so I'm glad this has helped."

The agency hopes to work with regeneration charity Groundwork West Durham and Darlington to clean out the Oakley Cross beck next year.