PUPILS and staff said a tearful farewell to their headteacher as she retired after 15 years at the school.

A farewell assembly was held at Barton Primary Schoo, near Richmond, for Liz Trewhitt, as pupils took turns in giving their messages and best wishes for her future.

The staff and more than 60 pupils, along with parents, were present to say goodbye and good luck to Mrs Trewhitt and seven year six pupils, who are moving on to secondary school.

There were tears all round as the youngest and oldest pupils presented Mrs Trewhitt with a signed card on behalf of all the school, a hand-painted picture and a bouquet of flowers.

Teacher Clare Shepherd said: "In her time as headteacher, Mrs Trewhitt has earned the respect and admiration of everyone.

"She's been a much-loved head and worked extremely hard for the school. She will be sorely missed."

Mrs Trewhitt said: "The school held a concert last week where the children sang a surprise song for me, and everyone said their goodbyes. I wasn't expecting anything else today, but there's been a lot of secrets kept around here lately. I'd like to thank everyone very, very much.

"I shall miss Barton School and would like to wish all the children leaving today every success and happiness in the future."

Mrs Trewhitt plans to spend her retirement catching up on everyday life, spending time with family and helping out on the family farm.