A COUPLE who always looked on the bright side of life - whatever it dealt them - celebrate their golden wedding anniversary today.

Albert and Vera Richardson, of Ladysmock Close, Spennymoor, married on August 16, 1947, at the town's St Andrew's Church.

The couple had known each other as youngsters growing up in the town, but it was only when Mr Richardson served with the Royal Tank Regiment, during the Second World War, that the pair started courting.

While he was based in North Africa, Italy and Austria, she kept his spirits high with letters and, after leaving the Army, as a sergeant, the two married.

Mr Richardson worked at the town's Co-op store and later for Hunters Wallpaper Stores as an area manager.

Mrs Richardson also worked for Hunters, in the local shop, before running a baby supplies shop called Just Junior, for seven years.

The couple treasure their family - son Keith and his wife, Mavis, grandchildren Paul and Gemma and great-grandchild Niamh Grace.

During the Sixties, Mr Richardson was a committee member at Spennymoor United Football Club and Mrs Richardson enjoyed sewing and painting.

In their golden years, Mr Richardson, 84, has become the sole carer for his 83-year-old wife, who has Parkinson's disease.

He is partially sighted so they appreciate the support of a domestic helper, with whom they enjoy days out.

Mr Richardson said: "We are just a happy, loving couple who appreciate the lifetime we're having together."