A SOCIAL worker is hoping to raise £1,500 for Cambodian orphans with an exhibition football match.

Michael Burlison, from Esh Winning, County Durham,has gathered about £1,100, by performing a sky-dive and holding a wine and cheese evening.

He hopes the friendly match, between Waterhouses FC and Dickie's XI, will see him reach his target.

"I was in Thailand earlier this year and I heard lots of stories about children in Cambodia," Mr Burlison said. "If anyone needs help, it's them."

Mr Burlison, whose father is county councillor George Burlison, will share the cash between five orphanages, distributing it during a visit to Cambodia next month.

"All my travel is self-funded, so all the money will go to the children," he said.

"£1,500 might not sound like a lot, but out there it can go a long way. It will be spent on educational materials, clothing and building repairs."

The football match will be held at the home of Esh Winning FC on Saturday, August 25. Kick-off at 3pm. Admission is free, but donations are welcome.

For more information, call Mr Burlison on 07971-924642.