FORTY-SIX million pounds will be spent to improve street lighting, with the aim of reducing crime.

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council announced it had secured the contract to replace, upgrade and add to its current street lighting.

More than 15,000 columns will be replaced - 85 per cent of the existing stock - with modern, high-quality lights. A further 2,500 columns will be added over the next five years.

The contract is part of a private finance initiative, which includes £21m from the Government, backed up by £1m each year from the council, over the next 25 years, to maintain the scheme.

Transport Minister Rosie Winterton said: "The Government has provided £21.1m in support of this important scheme, as it will bring massive improvements to Redcar and Cleveland. Most importantly, it will ensure better-lit roads and pavements, which will improve road safety and cut crime as well as the fear of crime."

The council's leader, Councillor George Dunning, said: "This is a massive investment that has been waiting to happen for a very long time and will undoubtedly be endorsed by every one of our residents."

Councillor Mary Lanigan, cabinet member for highways, transportation and planning, said: "Our surveys show the importance the public places on street lighting, with its rating as the third most important service, behind waste collection/recycling and street cleaning."

It is hoped the first columns will be installed in January.