A SERIES of weight-management courses will be launched next month to help people shed extra pounds and improve their health.

The Pioneering Care Partnership will host the free sessions, led by health and dietician professionals, at three venues across Sedgefield borough.

Sessions will be held at:

* St Paul's Church Hall, Spennymoor, Tuesdays, from 9.30am to 11am;

* West Cornforth Community Centre, Wednesdays, from 12.30am to 2pm;

* Newton Aycliffe Youth Centre, Thursdays, from 9.30am to 11am;

* Trimdon Village Hall, Thursdays, from 1pm to 2.30pm.

They all start on the week beginning Monday, September 17.

As well as a weekly weigh-in, there will be support and advice about healthy eating and exercise and leaders promise a friendly, sociable environment.

Experts will also help members make informed choices about food shopping by teaching them about salt, fat and sugar and food labelling.

The 12-week course uses information designed by South Durham and Darlington Dietetic Service and accommodates people with specialist dietary requirements.

To book a place or for more information, call 01325-329933.