A HEROIN addict was jailed yesterday for two years for a series of burglaries.

Joseph Kilbourn, from Spennymoor, County Durham, left one family afraid to stay in their home at night.

He took an MP3 player, three jewellery boxes and three mobile telephones from the housen in Hereford Road, Guisborough, on March 13.

Several days earlier, Kilbourn stole a lap-top computer and sports bag from the porch of a house in Brockrigg Court, Guisborough.

On that occasion, a friend, Craig Williams, 28, waited at the bottom of the drive and acted as a look-out, Teesside Crown Court was told.

But Williams lost his nerve and persuaded Kilbourn, 36, to dump the stolen goods in a nearby wheelie bin.

Yesterday, Kilbourn asked Judge Peter Armstrong to take into consideration when sentencing a further four crimes in east Cleveland.

He admitted burglaries at houses in Westdyke Road, Redcar, on December 14, and in Canvey Walk, Guisborough, on March 12.

Kilbourn also admitted an attempted deception in Redcar, on December 14, and a shed burglary in Allison Street, Guisborough, on March 16.

Williams, of Skelton Court, Guisborough, admitted one count of burglary and was given a 12-month prison sentence suspended for two years.

Judge Armstrong also ordered that he undergo two years of probation service supervision and a six-month drug rehabilitation programme.

Kilbourn, of Craddock Street, Spennymoor, admitted a total of five burglaries and the attempted deception at the baby clothing shop.

Chris Baker, mitigating, said a remourseful Kilbourn had previously carried out a house break-in nine years ago and promised never to do another one - but he had fallen "off the wagon".

Duncan McReddie, for Williams, said he had become free of drugs while recently in prison.