A CRIME-busting initiative specifically targeting 15 individuals has been hailed as a success by police.

Operation Shadow, launched two weeks ago as part of the three-month Feeling and Being Safe in York campaign, targeted the city's 15 most prolific offenders.

It led to a dramatic 21 per cent reduction in crime, with 183 fewer offences being reported than in the same period last year.

Theft from motor vehicles fell by 61 per cent, auto-crime in general fell 55 per cent and non-dwelling burglary dropped 37 per cent.

There was also a 31 per cent fall in theft from the person, cycle thefts went down 21 per cent, robbery went down 11 per cent and violent crime was down six per cent.

The 15 people in question have been subjected to varying levels of surveillance and CCTV has also been used to monitor their movements.

As a result, one has been remanded in custody and is still in prison on remand. Two are living out of the area - one voluntarily, a second on bail conditions.

One has been arrested three times, once directly as a result of surveillance, where he was allegedly seen stealing a bicycle. He has since been charged with two offences, and is now in custody for the third offence.

Another was arrested and charged with a public order offence and will appear at court in the near future and yet another is on police bail for assault pending further enquiries.

Four of the subjects are now attending a Building For Success Programme organised by the Youth Offending Team and none were arrested during Operation Shadow.

Detective Chief Inspector Glenn Gudgeon said: "This is a time of year when crime rises with the increase in tourists, but we have reversed this trend."