VOLUNTEERS hope to turn their community red with poppies to mark 100 years since the end of the First World War.

The Ribbon of Poppies project aims to cover the UK in a 'carpet of crimson' in 2018 to remember all those who served in the Great War.

Ferryhill Ribbon of Poppies group, which helped knit poppies nets that went on display in West Cornforth last year, is calling on residents in the town to contribute by planting poppy seeds in their gardens, flower tubs and window boxes.

Clare Metcalfe, from the group, said. “We want to create a living legacy to those from our community who paid the ultimate sacrifice so everyone is encouraged to get involved. We want to make Ferryhill look spectacular and there is a real buzz in the town to get things started.

"We are looking for shops, businesses and individuals to really get involved and put Ferryhill on the map.”

Glenys Newby, from not-for-profit company Approach Too, said: “Schools in Ferryhill and Chilton are involving their pupils and students and they have started sowing poppy seeds which were kindly donated by Thinford Nurseries. We have some great community events planned which will commemorate the final year of the First World War and which bring everyone together.”

Follow Ferryhill Ribbon of Poppies project on Facebook.