POLICE are warning motorists not to fall victim to a scam that falsely informs them that they need to pay a speeding fine.

North Yorkshire Police have received reports of the scam whereby people are being emailed with false Notice of Intended Prosecution letters (NIP) regarding alleged speeding offences.

The police are keen to alert people to the fact that these notices are not being sent from their Traffic Bureau department.

A genuine NIP is sent by first class post or recorded delivery, along with a request to identify the driver at the time of the offence.

There would not be a request for any form of payment at this stage and the letter would also carry the North Yorkshire Police crest.

People are urged not to make any payment in response to these emails and not to click on any links contained.

Police are also advising that anyone receives an NIP and is unsure of its legitimacy, they can visit northyorkshire.police.uk for information or contact the Traffic Bureau on TrafficBureau@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk