A SMALL group of churches have joined forces to raise £20,000 to empower women and girls in some of the poorest communities in Central America.

Churches Together, which is made up of Anglican, Methodist, Christian Fellowship and Society of Friends churches in Barnard Castle raised £5,000 for a project ran by Christian Aid.

The funding will be match funded by the European Union giving a total of £20,000 which will be spent on their Empowering Woman and Girls project in El Salvador and Honduras.

The four-year project aims to help women claim their rights for reproductive and sexual health with measures such as providing health workers and educating schoolchildren.

More than 200,000 women of child-bearing age are expected to benefit from the scheme directly.

A certificate was presented by Emma Peak, from Christian Aid North-East, at a special meeting on Wednesday, at Barnard Castle Methodist Church.

Regional coordinator, Ms Peak, said the group's work was a "fantastic achievement".

She said: "In El Salvador and Honduras women and girls from indigenous communities are some of the poorest and most disempowered people, facing huge barriers to securing sexual and reproductive health.

"The money will enable our partners in both countries to tackle the immediate need for better healthcare, but will also empower women and girls to claim their rights.”

"The money they have raised will impact the lives of women and girls in El Salvador and Honduras for generations to come.”

Methodist Minister Reverend Bev Hollings, said: "When we signed up to raise this amount it seemed a huge task.

"Through the generosity of individuals and churches in Barnard Castle along with the support of Churches in Middleton-in-Teesdale the target has been reached ahead of the 2018 deadline and will make a real difference to people in El Salvador and Honduras."