TELEVISION chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall will be taking part in the Great North 5k for the first time, running alongside Geordie comedian Ross Noble.

The food campaigner is taking to the streets as part of the Newcastle Can initiative, spearheaded by Hugh, which aims to make the city fitter and healthier.

He said: “Newcastle is leading the way. I’m hoping that towns and cities across Britain will take up the challenge to eat better and get healthier.

"Events like the Simplyhealth Great North 5k are a fantastic way to become more active – not least because there’s so much support from other runners, and spectators.

"I’m a novice myself so I’m looking forward to the run with a certain amount of trepidation.

"But it’s fantastic to know that Ross is now on board and will be joining me".

His running mate added: "You might as well come and join us, if you worry you might die you might as well go quickly rather than dying slowly sitting on the couch.”