FIRE union leaders have launched a stinging attack on officers in North Yorkshire warning the service is in ‘crisis’ and backing a challenge by the Police and Crime Commissioner to take over governing it.

They say they're calling for change to protect the failing front line. Julia Mulligan, the Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire is proposing to take over governance of the fire authority, replacing the existing 16 member committee, a consultation is currently being carried out.

The criticism came in a statement from Fire Brigade’s Union Secretary Steve Howley. He said:”It is refreshing to see that the PCC has listened to our concerns, and agrees investment is needed in the frontline.

“The Chief Fire Officer and Combined Fire Authority will not provide the same commitment. Unfortunately, he confirmed his long term plan is to further reduce whole-time firefighters to two’s on Tactical Response Vehicles.With ongoing concerns over the retention and recruitment of part-time fire-fighters, concerns are turning into a crisis with large numbers of fire engines unavailable due to crewing shortages, something has to change.”

He said while they had concerns about the plans, they felt the only alternative to the "present chaos” was to support the PCC’s move to take over governance of the service. North Yorkshire fire and Rescue said officers could not comment on issues of a political nature.