A SCOUT is proving the sky is the limit after taking part in a worldwide adventure to Iceland with the organisation.

Scout adult leader, Charlie Nicholson, of Barnard Castle, Teesdale, has been a scout since he was five and was the only young person representing Durham County, Teesdale District and Staindrop Scout Group at the 15th World Scout Moot.

The Moot is held every four years and is an official event of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, where 5,000 scouts set an example to others by looking after and raising awareness of the environment they visit.

Mr Nicholson has set himself the task to ensure that scouting in all local groups is inclusive for children with special needs and to increase understanding of special needs and mental health.

Taking part in the mission, the 19-year-old described how the group planted trees and set boundary markers along dangerous paths to safeguard hikers as well as visiting ice caves and giant volcanoes.

He said he wanted to thank everyone who had helped him achieve his goals and believed in him.

He said: "Scouting is so important to me as a Scout myself and now as a Network Member (18 to 24) and an adult leader.

"It is the reason I have chosen the career I have as an outdoor adventure leader, it has given me so many opportunities and challenges.

"Once a scout, always a scout."