A BORDER Terrier had a leg amputated after she was found with multiple injuries, including a ‘horrendous’ leg injury, by a member of the public.

Hope, named by staff, was suspected to have been dumped near Yarm Road in Darlington was found by a member of the public and taken to a veterinary centre nearby.

The two-year-old female dog suffered a puncture wound on her front leg as well as a serious injury to her back-right leg – which left her skin torn to the bone.

An investigation was carried out by RSPCA inspector Gemma Lynch, who said: “Unfortunately vets weren’t able to save Hope’s leg so she had to have it amputated but I’m pleased to say that she’s now recovering well and seems to be adapting to three legs.”

The RSPCA believe due to Hope’s condition she wouldn’t have been able to travel far from where she’d been dumped.

Even though Hope’s injuries are estimated to be a week old, she was reported to be found with, “blue spray over the wound like someone had tried to treat it.”

On top of her leg injury Hope suffered an injury to her eye, cracked teeth and severely underweight when she was brought into the veterinary practice.

“Dogs are abandoned all too often by their owners when they no longer want to care for them anymore or when they need expensive veterinary treatment,” Ms Lynch.

“Sadly, charities such as the RSPCA are left picking up the pieces and trying desperately to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome thousands of dogs who are dumped like rubbish every year.

"Thankfully, for Hope, we got there in time and were able to help her.

"But I’d like to know who is responsible for turning their back on her in her hour of need.

The RSPCA asks for any information about where Hope may have come from or who might be responsible for abandoning her. People are urged to contact the charity's appeal line on 0300 123 8018 and leave Inspector Lynch a message.

For now, Hope will remain at the practice until she is well enough to be released to an RSPCA foster carer.

If she is not claimed then she will be rehomed and loved properly.

To report an abandoned animal or animal cruelty, please call the RSPCA’s 24-hour emergency hotline on 0300 1234 999 for help and advice.