SWIMMERS are being asked to take on the equivalent of crossing the English Channel in their local pool to raise funds for charity.

Five swimming pools in Sunderland are taking part in the challenge to raise money for the spinal cord injury charity Aspire.

Participants are asked to complete 22 miles, the equivalent of swimming from Dover to Calais, over 12 weeks and raise money for people who have been paralysed by spinal cord injuries.

The challenge is being supported locally by leisure operator Everyone Active and will take place at Hetton Sports Centre, the Raich Carter Sports Centre, Sunderland Aquatic Centre, Silksworth Tennis Centre and Washington Leisure Centre.

Swimmers can complete the distance in their own time between September 11 and December 4.

Kathryn Boyd, event manager for the Aspire Channel Swim, said: “Fewer people have swum the Channel than conquered Everest, yet every year thousands of people take on 22 miles over 12 weeks in their own pools.

“It’s an incredible achievement and one that helps support hundreds of Spinal Cord Injured people every year.”

Ian Bradgate, Everyone Active’s area contract manager, said: “The work that the team at Aspire Channel Swim carry out is fantastic, and they are passionate about raising awareness of Spinal Cord Injury”.

He added: “We are committed to encourage the local community to lead healthier, more active lifestyles.

“I would encourage anyone who is looking to improve their fitness to take on this challenge, it is a great opportunity to get active at the same time as raising money for a brilliant cause.”

For further details, or to sign up to the swim, please visit aspirechannelswim.org.uk or call 0800 0370 880.