A FORMER Olympic canoe coach is calling on the help of world leaders to raise awareness of climate change and pollution.

David Train, who was born in Stockton, is looking to get leading political figures to sign his canoe paddle - known as The Paddle for Life.

Former Prime Ministers including Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and David Cameron have all signed his paddle, as well as other European leaders.

He is now looking to get Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn and President Macron from France to get behind his campaign.

Mr Train has even challenged Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen, who has also backed the campaign, to a race to see who can get Mrs May to back the campaign first.

He is hoping to beat the Mayor with the help of Jeanette Chippington, the reigning Olympic, world and European paracanoe champion who lives in Mrs May's constituency.

Mr Train told The Northern Echo he had spent the last two decades looking to increase awareness of the dangers of climate change and pollution.

"The Paddle for Life is one of a set of soft power tool' we have developed to bring all the world on board and working together to tackle the climate change problem," he said.

Mr Train spent 12 years as a Great Britain Olympic canoe coach and helped the teams who competed at the Los Angeles, Seoul, Barcelona and Atlanta games between 1984 and 1996.

He has also been the president of the Fladbury Paddle Club in Worcestershire since 1972 and was responsible for designing the first Bell Boat, which helps to encourage people to take up water sports with its focus on large groups and team work.

"I was born in the Tees Valley and launched my first canoe there when I was 12.

"he river then was a tidal open sewer filled with industrial waste, and it is now one of the cleanest rivers in Europe," said Mr Train.

"It is the site of a white water course and bell boats are used on the flat water above the dam for the children of Tees Valley.

"It is a symbol of post industrial Britain and a wonderful place to launch the campaign."

Mr Houchen said: "Climate change is something none of us can afford to ignore.

"I applaud David and his innovative ideas to highlight this issue and wish him well with his campaign.”