A PROFESSIONAL rugby union player has won his appeal against a driving ban imposed for speeding.

Christopher Auld, 24, was caught travelling at 54mph in a 40mph zone on the A66 westbound at Kirkby Thore, Cumbria, last December.

Auld – who plays for Darlington Mowden Park - received a six-month disqualification from magistrates in July, having reached the 12-point penalty "totting-up" mark.

He had previous convictions on his record for speeding and mobile phone use behind the wheel.

His appeal against the ban was heard at Carlisle Crown Court yesterday (Friday, September 1).

Judge Barbara Forrester, sitting with two magistrates, heard Auld, of St Cuthbert's Avenue, Dumfries, was a professional player for the National One side.

Auld's rugby career - and his business and finance degree course at the University of Newcastle - would be at risk if the driving ban remained in force.

He told the court: "If I wasn't able to commit fully to the (Darlington) contract, I obviously wouldn't be able to continue with my career as a professional rugby player."

Judge Forrester said she and her colleagues had given "careful consideration" to the information they had been given about the impact of a disqualification.

Concluding that Auld's "whole lifestyle" would change if he could not drive, Judge Forrester overturned the ban.

But the judge warned: "I am sure he will have realised quite clearly now the seriousness of the position he has been in, and if he continues committing road traffic offences at some stage he will lose his driving licence."