A TEAM of friends have completed a gruelling cycle challenge in support of a little boy battling a muscle wasting condition.

Sarah and Martin Vayro, Alex Kaars Sijpesteijn, David Houseman, Nicola Young and Mark Pratt are took on a 183-mile cross country bike ride last weekend in aid of Ryan Chidzey.

The four-year-old, of Gainford, County Durham, was diagnosed with the fatal condition Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), in January.

His family has vowed to raise £50,000 for the charity Muscular Dystrophy UK in a bid to find a cure before it is too late.

The cycling challenge, called Ride for Ryan, saw the team ride from St Bees to Robin Hood’s Bay in just three days.

They were also supported by Mrs Vayro’s father, Colin Butler, who they nicknamed “back-up dad” as he drove driving the team van with all their supplies.

Mrs Vayro, said: “We've raised just over £2,600 which is awesome. It was a really tough challenge. The route had a sting in its tail 15 miles from the end where we had to climb a never ending 33 per cent gradient hill out of Grosmont.”

She added: “Mark’s wheel broke five miles from the end and it looked like we would end up walking but the lads towed/dragged/pushed him the five miles into Robin Hood’s Bay where we were met by Ryan and his family just as the tide was coming in."

She added: “We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has helped us with our challenge. Back up Dad was awesome. And for everyone who's sponsored us along the way, we really appreciate all of your support.”

DMD is the most common fatal genetic disorder to affect children around the world and affects mainly boys who cannot produce dystrophin - an essential protein the body needs to build up muscles. As a result, every muscle in the body deteriorates gradually.

Most children with the condition die in their late teens or early 20s.