THE heartbroken parents of a baby boy who died from “catastrophic injuries” following a forceps birth say they will continue their fight for answers in the hope of preventing others suffering as they have.

Following the death of their beloved son Noah, Middlesbrough couple Sarah Reed and Martyn Finn say they hope to prevent any other parents going through what they did.

Their baby died when he was just six weeks old as a result of rare complications linked to the use of Keilland’s forceps.

An inquest held at Teesside Coroner’s Court this week saw coroner Clare Bailey lodge a narrative verdict that found Noah’s death was due to respiratory failure.

It came about due significant injuries to his spine and carotid artery incurred during his delivery at Middlesbrough’s James Cook University Hospital.

The chance of Noah incurring such injuries was estimated to be around 1 in 80,000, according to evidence given at the inquest.

Following his death, Ms Reed enlisted lawyers at Irwin Mitchell to investigate the circumstances of his death and to help the family gain answers as to whether it could have been prevented.

Ms Reed said: “We are still, and will forever remain, heartbroken at losing Noah.

“Through my pregnancy I was told I was low risk. Noah was very active right up until delivery and all signs pointed towards a healthy baby being born.

“However the labour was very distressing and I knew something wasn’t right.”

She added: “Whilst this inquest has brought both Martyn and I some answers, it unfortunately remains a mystery to us how he came to suffer such catastrophic injuries.

“We will continue to seek, and hope for, an explanation for this in the future.

“While we appreciate the rarity of this incident we hope that no family has to suffer like we have.”

The inquest heard that the South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust had improved its training regime in relation to forceps deliveries since the death of Noah Finn.

Michael Scobie, the specialist medical negligence solicitor representing Noah’s family, said: “The loss of Noah has been devastating for Sarah, Martyn and their families.

“We welcome the fact the since Noah’s death the Trust has taken steps to further improve their maternity service following an investigation into this case.

“Of course, this sadly comes all too late for Sarah and Martyn but we will continue to work with them to ensure they get the support they need.”