A FAME hungry girl beat the haters to win an international beauty pageant.

Seven-year-old Layla Thompson, from Newton Aycliffe, was crowned Mini Miss British Empire 2017 after representing Durham at the contest in Buckinghamshire last Thursday.

But mother Jenna Eastland said pageant organisers had received complaints from people who wanted her expelled from the competition after a wave of publicity about her love of make-up and skimpy outfits.

The 31-year-old single mother spends thousands of pounds on spray tans, hair extensions and cosmetics for Layla who attends beauty and dance events under the stage name Layla Belle and uses social media.

Miss Eastland, who is also mother and fulltime carer to Noah, ten, and Brody, nine, who have autism, accused critics of jealously.

She said: “Layla shouldn't be punished for any issues people have with me.

"Layla wants to do well. She loves the fact she is representing where she lives and she feels she might be able to do something good in the world.

"For someone to try and stop her doing well, it's horrible.

"It is upsetting for me to think someone would do that to a kid.

"The pageant must have seen through the complaints from the

people who had contacted them.”

She said they were thrilled and surprised to win, and especially proud to pick up an award for star potential.

Layla has the chance to represent the UK in Junior Model International and Miss Superglobe in India next month and her family is fundraising so she can attend.