TWO special visitors are being cared for at an aquarium, both harbour seals rescued from the region's beaches.

Blue Reef Aquarium in Tynemouth is looking after Chester and Sinead, both young seals who were found with injuries.

Chester, a male aged around eight weeks, was brought in by the RSPCA from a beach in North Yorkshire. He was underweight and had swelling to his mouth caused by an infection.

Sinead, a female who is thought to be slightly younger, was found by the old swimming pool on nearby Longsands and had similar injuries.

Both are feeding well and the pair will be nurtured back to health by staff at Blue Reef before being released back into the wild.

Displays Supervisor, Terry McKeone said “Throughout the year we see a number of seals in our Marine Rescue Centre, for many different reasons.

"Some come in with injuries caused by bite from other seals and dogs.

"Others have been abandoned by their mothers at a young age and cannot fend for themselves.”

Visitors can see the pair during their stay at the aquarium’s marine rescue centre and learn about what they can do to help the seal population.