THE roof of Roker Pier’s new tunnel entrance structure is being lifted into place this Thursday as repair work continues.

The grade II listed pier has been closed since gale force winds and huge waves, breaking as high as the lighthouse itself, washed away more than 100 metres of railings and coping stones last November.

Repairs on the pier got underway three weeks ago and are due for completion before the end of the year.

A number of the original granite coping stones which were recovered from the sea by divers using heavy lifting gear after the storm are being reused.

The work is being carried out by Durham based Hall Construction, while Deptford based Sunderland company Willowcrete is replacing 800 metres of modern railings with historic replicas.

A new public access to the pier tunnel, which once housed gas pipes, is being built to allow tours for the first time in its history.

Sunderland City Councillor Mel Speding said: “Roker Pier is one of Sunderland’s best loved landmarks and I know people have really missed being able to use it in recent months so I’m delighted to see the repairs going ahead and the work on the tunnel entrance structure progressing.

“We’re working to achieve access as soon as we can.”