THE archaeological secrets of an historic prison are set to be unearthed as experts move on site – and the public are being given the chance to get a bird's eye view as work unfolds.

York Archaeological Trust will spend a month excavating the three and a half acre Northallerton prison site, which has been levelled to make way for new development. Several listed buildings have been preserved and the archaeologists are hoping to find the remains of the world's largest treadmill, which was once in operation at the prison, dating back to 1788.

Hambleton District Council leader councillor Mark Robson said: “This is a very exciting stage of the redevelopment of the prison site and we are using the Yorkshire experts to help us through it. They will be looking for evidence of early life at the prison, and of course the famous treadmill, which was used for punishment. ”

The council, which owns the site, are giving access to local people and organisations at open days on September 16 and 23. There will also be further restricted access, for details email