RESIDENTS in Great Aycliffe and Whorlton are the first in the county to adopt their own neighbourhood plans after they were formally adopted by Durham County Council.

The plans, which introduce new planning policies specifically for the areas, were adopted at a full council meeting and will now supplement the county council’s Local Plan policies.

Referendums in June found that residents were in favour of the Great Aycliffe Neighbourhood Plan, created by Great Aycliffe Town Council and the Whorlton Village Neighbourhood Plan, created by Whorlton and Westwick Parish Council, and agreed that they should be used when making planning decisions.

The neighbourhood plans are the first two in the county to be adopted since the Government introduced them through the Localism Act in 2011.

The Great Aycliffe Neighbourhood Plan includes policies focused on protecting the character of the neighbourhood and open spaces, as well as securing a high standard of development and creating new affordable housing.

Policies in the Whorlton Village Neighbourhood Plan focus on small scale housing, working from home and the protection of the environment and heritage.

Both plans can be viewed at County Hall as well at

Great Aycliffe Neighbourhood Plan can also be viewed locally at Great Aycliffe Town Council offices on School Aycliffe Lane.