A RUGBY club is looking for former members to share their memories of its relatively short history as part of its 20th anniversary celebrations.

Yarm Rugby Club is planning a season long celebration before holding a major event in February.

In preparation, current members are hoping to trace all of the players from the club’s inaugural game and record their memories for posterity.

Stephen Downey, who is helping to co-ordinate the club’s search, said despite its short history there would be plenty of stories to tell.

He said: “We are quite a young team and obviously we don’t have a great deal of history, but history we do have, we are wanting to collect together and celebrate our 20th anniversary in February.

“This season is going to be our 20th and the idea is to hold a number of events to mark the occasion. The club started as a conversation in a pub and that was how the club came into existence.”

And the club has grown significantly since forming in February 1998.

At Senior level they run two teams, competing in the Durham and Northumberland League and the Tees Valley Social League.

A Veterans team was formed in 2006 playing a number of midweek fixtures each season while a Junior section, established in 2004, continues to grow providing a base for rugby in the local community.

The club also had to overcome the devastation of its refurbished clubhouse at Wass Way, Eaglescliffe being destroyed by arson in March 2008 before being re-opened the following year.

A number old photographs of teams have been located and club organisers are hoping to be able to put names to faces.

Mr Downey added: “Over the years there has been more than 500 players come through the club and we would love to be able trace them all and get the original team back together.

“I don’t think anyone is still involved in the club from the very first meeting but our dream is to bring back the inaugural team to celebrate the anniversary.”

Anyone interested in getting involved or wanting to share their memories, they should email yarmoldboys@clubmember.org or visit www.pitchero.com/clubs/yarm for more information about the club.