POSTCARDS from Australian children are spreading hope and happiness across the world including right here in the North-East.

Staff at Dale Care in Crook could not believe it when a postcard with a hand-drawn illustration of the business’ offices in Hope Street landed on the doormat this month.

Upon closer inspection, the team of carers discovered the artwork was created by Merle, an 11-year-old boy from Perth in Australia as part of an innovative art project called Dear Hope Street.

It was one of more than 1,000 postcards sent to households and businesses on Hope Streets the world over, with children and adults selecting recipients on Google Street View.

Those who receive a postcard are encouraged to visit the Dear Hope Street website where they can leave a reply.

In his message, Merle said: “My name is Merle. I am 11 and live in Perth, Western Australia.

“What is your Dale Care Ltd centre for? What sort of people do you care/help? What sort of happiness do you have when you do your job and why?

“I like going to the beach on beautiful days. I love going to England and reading and playing with my cats.”

As well as being a way to connect people, the project, organised by Alex Desebrock of Maybe Together, aims to make children think about more serious issues such as privacy and the pros and cons of online satellite maps.

Carol Jackson, marketing manager at Dale Care, said the postcard had brought a smile to the face of everyone who had seen it.

“I thought it was lovely,” she said.

“At a time when so many horrible things are going on in the world this has that feel good factor.

“Obviously, everyone who received a postcard is on Hope Street and there is nothing better in life than hope – what a lovely message to spread.”

In her reply, Mrs Jackson wrote: “We look after elderly people in their own homes. It is a lovely job for our carers as they are sometimes the only people the clients get to see each day and they build up lovely relationships with them.

“Perth WOW that’s a long way away from here. My daughter has a cat too... well a kitten, a ginger stripy one like Tigger, ha ha. She’s called him Oliver.

“We all loved receiving your postcard and think it’s a fantastic idea.”