PEOPLE will get a taste of the First World War at a special heritage event recognising the only two brothers awarded the Victoria Cross from that war.

There will be food historians table talks and tasters of sample food eaten by soldiers in the trenches at the event in Witton Park, near Bishop Auckland, on Saturday, between 11am and 1pm.

It has been organised by Groundwork North-East and Cumbria as part of the Heritage Lottery funded Fighting Bradfords of Witton Park project.

As well as food, visitors can also get to grips with original First World War objects including rifles and uniforms and art made by soldiers in the trenches with the DLI Collection Team.

Adults and children alike can also have a go at making their own trench art.

Senior project officer Joanne Norman said “This will be an event for all ages and hopefully give people more of an insight into the lives of those living through the First World War who could have lived in Witton Park in 1917.”

The event will be followed by a free talk from historical speaker Prof John Derry, Emeritus Professor of history at Newcastle University, at Witton Park Village Hall, on Wednesday, July 5, at 6pm.

His lecture will bring to life the Third Battle of Ypres which took place in 1917 and saw bad weather turn the battlefield in to a quagmire.