THE contribution made to policing by volunteer Special Constables has been celebrated by North Yorkshire Police.

As well as supporting general election policing in recent weeks, Special Constables assisted at three major events across the county – York Pride, the Great Knaresborough Bed Race and Skipton Gala.

Last week alone 86 Specials gave up 1,168 hours of their own time to policing North Yorkshire.

Special Chief Officer Sharron Moverley-Holmes, whose day job is as a Special Constabulary Coordinator for North Yorkshire Police, said: “Once again we see our brilliant special constabulary give their all in support of their local communities, going beyond what is asked of them and providing massive support to their regular colleagues.

"This year we saw a real outpouring of gratitude and love from members of the public who were very pleased to see us, providing a great opportunity for engagement which added to the fantastic atmosphere of the events."

Special Constables, or "specials" as they are known, have the same powers and uniform as regular police officers and are required to volunteer at least 16 hours per month to policing duties.

North Yorkshire Police will be recruiting special constables from July 3.