SAFETY concerns have been raised by residents objecting to a housing development on the outskirts of their town.

Ferryhill Community Action Group (FCAG) held a meeting on Monday evening to discuss the planning application that has been submitted for land south of Dean Road, in Ferryhill.

Story Homes applied for planning permission last July to build 140 homes and a supermarket on the green fields.

However the developer has since amended the application, swapping the supermarket for an extra 41 homes, after Durham County Council released a new retail needs assessment that states there is no need for a supermarket in the town.

Dave Farry, FCAG committee member, said: “The plan to take access from the A167 is dangerous and people are concerned about road safety. We are not against development in Ferryhill, we welcome it, but it needs to be the right development and I don’t believe this is it.”

To view the application online visit: and search reference DM/16/02426/OUT.